2009年1月24日 星期六

2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-陳宏群 個人簡歷

陳宏群 Chen Hung-Chun

1982 生於台灣台北

2006 考取台北藝術大學美術學系美術創作碩士班
2006 畢業於台北藝術大學美術系創作組
2001 畢業於復興高中美術班

2008 寒舍秘笈 : 2008新世代年度展於寒舍空間 台北
2008 「在無關緊要之後」於一票票畫廊 台北
2007 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作展 於金石堂書店-我的書房展出 台北
2006「出關六人行」六人聯展於朝代畫廊 台北
2006「富勞而思」聯展於天母也趣畫廊 台北
2005「双。个展」於北藝大美術系系館南北畫廊展出 台北

2008 《孫悟空的樂高把戲》,金石堂我的藝術空間 台北
2004《陳宏群個展》,台北藝術大學 南北畫廊 台北

2006 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作獎
2006 第五屆全國百號油畫展 入選
2005 第59屆全省美展 油畫類 優選
2005 第17屆全國美術展覽會 油畫類 入選
2004第58屆全省美展 油畫類 入選

陳宏群 Chen Hung-Chun
1982 born in Taipei, Taiwan

The educational background2006 Being admitted into graduate school of Fine Art of TNUA
2006 Graduated from Department of Fine Art of Taipei National
University of the Art (TNUA)
2001 Graduated from Art AP-class of Fu-Hsing Senior High School
Associated exhibition
2008 My Humble House Formula One 2008 exhibition of a new generation in My Humble House, Taipei
2008「unrelated connection」exhibition in Piao-piao Gallery, Taipei
2007 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation exhibition in MY Study at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2006「The Outstanding Six」six persons’ associated exhibition in Dynasty Gallery
2006「Full House」associated exhibition in Ye-Qu Gallery at Tien-Mou, Taipei
2005「Personal Exhibition of the TWO」exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building at TNUA, Taipei
Personal exhibition
2008《The Lego trick of the Sun Wu-kong》exhibited in My-art-space Gallery at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2004《Cheng Hung-Chun personal exhibition》 exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building in TNUA, Taipei
2008 Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
2006 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation award
2006 5th annual national No.100 oil painting exhibition, mention
2005 59th annual provincial fine arts exhibition, oil painting, honorable mention
2005 17th annual national fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention
2004 58th annual fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention

