2009年1月24日 星期六

2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-許尹齡 作品自述


My concept of creation is about expressing the observation of social society. Social society’s phenomenon is concrete and observable. However, the substantial analyzed conclusion is obscured by all kind of systems. The imagination of living a good life is gradually collapsing. It is as if we were constantly placed in an experiment with numerous updates of statistical data such as, economical growth rate, unemployment rate, employment rate, etc. We can say these data describe our living circumstances specifically. Therefore, while I am creating, I retain a hint of insanity. I imagine I have created an imaginative world, raising all kinds of human beings to be tested for a better way of living. These are just part of a failed experiment but they must be displayed because that world differs from the usual world we know of. My recent creation style is similar to this, containing a theatrical world or in other words, Through images, we have been given a chance to step away from reality, and into that world to directly deal with common obstacles.
My challenge is to present various events into one. Consequently, most of my paintings are presented by piecing, their objective is the same, which is to progress in a space that is out of time. They are just like an arranged scene trying to capture people’s attention. It is both a theatrical play and a real life at the same time, and their main goal is to disturb others. In my opinion, my creations operate at many levels with true reasons to convince viewers to believe the irrational status, simply to discover the self incompletion which we have never thought of. This is the kind of message our life gives us. We live normally but we never try to face the true deficiency of ourselves. The anxious subject and peaceful reality is what I want to display on the same picture. Moreover, a large part of mystery in creations is due to the implication for the obstacles encountered in the creations. Viewers will suspect if the social phenomenon is really what they see. Do they know how odd the world is? Referring back to the last statement, we can really ponder if we really are how we have perceived ourselves.

