2009美術創作卓越獎-【 】 / 湯凱鈞
不同於創作類得獎作品著重於對現實世界的思考,策展計劃類得獎作品-陳豪毅的《標誌聯盟》(Tag Ally),討論的是藝術實踐的現實問題,即藝術在現實世界中如何進行諸眾的再造和實驗,藝術活動如何產生一個平台,領導群眾做出社會實踐,他探討如何以標誌介入現實生活之中,展開一連串的藝術計畫與對話,以打開藝術實踐與社會參與的可能。因此相對於其他7位卓越獎得獎藝術家向內追求真實,《標誌聯盟》欲探討的是如何用藝術在現實中去創造一個新的發展。
2009年1月25日 星期日
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-陳豪毅 個人簡歷
部落格: http://obeyrabit.pixnet.net/blog
●研究計畫:伊斯坦堡策展暨發表計畫─Animax Remix,大家族計畫開放辦公室,2007。
●策展:No Error Lost,南海藝廊,2008。
Chen, Hao Yi
Cell phone:0932-663965
Blog: http://obeyrabit.pixnet.net/blog
Education: Taipei National University of the Arts, Graduate Institute of Art History and Arts Criticism
●Curatorial Practice: No Error Lost, Nanhai Gallery, 2008.
●Curatorail Project: Animax Remix, team present at Big Family Business, IMC, Istanbul, 2007.
●Participant International Workshop For Art Academies, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2008.
●Commissions: Constructing Place for Arts collective in Pingpong.(www.pingpong290.org)
部落格: http://obeyrabit.pixnet.net/blog
●研究計畫:伊斯坦堡策展暨發表計畫─Animax Remix,大家族計畫開放辦公室,2007。
●策展:No Error Lost,南海藝廊,2008。
Chen, Hao Yi
Cell phone:0932-663965
Blog: http://obeyrabit.pixnet.net/blog
Education: Taipei National University of the Arts, Graduate Institute of Art History and Arts Criticism
●Curatorial Practice: No Error Lost, Nanhai Gallery, 2008.
●Curatorail Project: Animax Remix, team present at Big Family Business, IMC, Istanbul, 2007.
●Participant International Workshop For Art Academies, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2008.
●Commissions: Constructing Place for Arts collective in Pingpong.(www.pingpong290.org)
國立臺北藝術大學 美術學院所舉辦的 「2009美術創作卓越獎」(Outstanding Art Prize),由校、內外專業評審,選出8位表現傑出之獲獎學生,包括美術創作類:廖祈羽、陳敬元、張暉明、周代焌、牛俊強,另有兩位優選:陳宏群、許尹齡;以及策展計劃類:陳豪毅。爲使其創作更加精進,並且期待未來美術創作卓越獎朝向國際舞台邁進,特以獎助學金補助讓學生到美國紐約進行10天的當代藝術參訪。預定98年1月31日起至98年2月10日,本學院劉錫權教授帶領學生除了參訪當代藝術機構,亦讓學生有機會於紐約發表獲獎作品,與相關單位進行交流。學生將紀錄此行參訪過程,回國後執行成果報告,向本學院師生分享參與的過程與心得。
本學院包括:美術學系Department of Fine Arts;美術學系美術創作碩士班 M.F.A. Program, Department of Fine Arts;美術學系碩士在職專班 M.F.A. Program, Department of Fine Arts;美術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History;科技藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Arts and Technology;藝術跨域研究所 Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts。
School of Fine Arts
陳敬元Chen, Ching-Yuan
陳豪毅 Chen, Hao-Yi
國立臺北藝術大學 美術學院所舉辦的 「2009美術創作卓越獎」(Outstanding Art Prize),由校、內外專業評審,選出8位表現傑出之獲獎學生,包括美術創作類:廖祈羽、陳敬元、張暉明、周代焌、牛俊強,另有兩位優選:陳宏群、許尹齡;以及策展計劃類:陳豪毅。爲使其創作更加精進,並且期待未來美術創作卓越獎朝向國際舞台邁進,特以獎助學金補助讓學生到美國紐約進行10天的當代藝術參訪。預定98年1月31日起至98年2月10日,本學院劉錫權教授帶領學生除了參訪當代藝術機構,亦讓學生有機會於紐約發表獲獎作品,與相關單位進行交流。學生將紀錄此行參訪過程,回國後執行成果報告,向本學院師生分享參與的過程與心得。
本學院包括:美術學系Department of Fine Arts;美術學系美術創作碩士班 M.F.A. Program, Department of Fine Arts;美術學系碩士在職專班 M.F.A. Program, Department of Fine Arts;美術史研究所 Graduate Institute of Art History;科技藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Arts and Technology;藝術跨域研究所 Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts。
School of Fine Arts
陳敬元Chen, Ching-Yuan
陳豪毅 Chen, Hao-Yi
2009年1月24日 星期六
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-陳豪毅 策展計畫
標誌聯盟(Tag Ally)
同時,掌握這種群眾的政治性,並非直截利用藝術作品來創造宣言和運動,而是這種群眾性質基本上被置放在一個藝術作品與社會現實相互疊合的三個關係中。哈特和內格里(Michael Hardt and Antonion Negri)在《帝國》討論到諸眾(Multitude)一詞時將此概念著重在諸眾是全球化下”生產”和創造性主體,而因為「生產」我們可以明確地區分出來,諸眾(Multitude)和大眾(mass)的差異點在於,諸眾是一個部屬在反抗的潛在位置(potential site of resistance)的政治關係,而大眾則是一個被標明為普遍性格的消費性團塊。
當然,當代藝術為諸眾操演的戰略,並沒一個可以被畫清界線的輪廓,而是逐建地成就了一個新型態的使用介面。在諸眾政治對抗性的反面,藝術作品所呈現的是一種”有條件”開放和自由運作的介面,這說明了藝術作品在效果上預設的自由和開放來自於其必須親身奉獻和參與,並針對需求來行動。尤其在今日資訊爆炸的時代,資訊的使用不是來自於下載和閱讀,而就像是網路世界標示web2.0時代最核心的本質:上傳和分享。可以說,藝術的政治性來自於其生命(bio-)的加入,而諸眾的政治性同樣地也來自於這”有條件”的立場,相對於安靜的多數(silent majority),它就是以條件本身加以改造和轉換的創造性活動。
而在這種反向操作(以向外延伸來建立群體)的觀念裡,藝術同時也成為一個平台(platform)的概念,平台來自於諸眾的”最小單位的”投入和組合,一種擠滿的「人群智慧」(The wisdom of crowds)存在其中,而成其主要政治主體的操演過程。再看似以群體做為支持對象的藝術作品中,實際上有一個最低限度的做為人類認識論的運動在裡頭,也就是說藝術透過人類行為的使用介面的操作,來開啟一個人與人之間的連結,重點在於,藝術在現實世界中進行諸眾的再造和實驗。《標誌聯盟(Tag Ally)》做為一個展演計畫,是以觀察藝術作品進行不斷地再公眾化(Re-public),以有計畫的開放性中造生更多的諸種群,是故,展覽本身期在不斷接近(approach)的狀態中,引領奇妙的分眾效果,也就是說藝術基本上開啟了人人參與的生活政治,也就是說他是雙向操作出來的,藉由個體與個體間相互標製(Tagging)而產生的(有限度)普遍共有/共感,而使藝術權充為平台,以及其引領集體智慧的能力。
標誌(Tag)是一種當代渾沌的分類方法,它基本上將焦點置放於,人類如何以Tag建立起社群性,其重點在於透過標籤化(Tag)使我們對事件物有不同的認識途徑,同時也是─你所標誌的正為你自己(You are what you tag);策展計畫以《標誌聯盟(Tagging Ally)》做為展演的核心是欲說明:藝術作品透過一種加籤結盟的方式,去強化認識論邏輯,另一方面,透過加籤成就諸眾的方式,來重畫社會、經濟與政治問題,問題是「諸眾能夠變為甚麼?」而非「諸眾是甚麼?」。當代藝術展演中類似策略的計畫有呂岱如的《轉盤系列(turntable)》,它也就是透過一種天天玩的研究發表招來藝術計畫張羅的遊戲群眾。在這樣的展演計畫中,一方面參與的都還是小群眾,另一方面又呈現一種打帶跑,隨時準備翻轉的藝術實踐。
當然,從標誌聯盟的展演策略中,可以說有個最常見的問題意識,群眾如何打破溝通障礙?然而此問題基本上卻不是呈現在語言的普同性上,而是翻轉過來,透過一種開放原始資源(open source)來讓群眾可以參與/享有,一方面是藝術的介入,另一方面又對應於模糊觀眾和參與者的差異化(使觀眾隨時可跳入這夥,或者離開),這即是利用了一種感性部屬(disposition)的遊戲法則,開放參與性也就是讓事物、問題本身加籤,更為重要的,藉以顯示現實與諸眾最直接的聯結,以一種實際的行動或者間接的奉獻和分享,打破溝通舊有的法則,直接為現況做補充(supplement)。
《標誌聯盟》策展計畫同時也意圖彰顯當代藝術工作的好方法,也就是以任務標誌上進行的委任工作(commission work),企圖在群眾性上標明一個意圖解決的問題意識,以及使一個尚未判准的價值標準更靈活的使之有效;更為重要的,此展演計畫將包圍在一個普同的創意(creative common)概念上,因為一方面使展演更具流動和衍生性,另一方透過翻轉創意使用的法則的想法,在藝術的實踐裡頭,直接引用其方法學並占為己有,而透過共有和共合使藝術的本身變本加厲的附身在實踐思維上頭,標誌聯盟將以連串的藝術計畫和對話展開藝術實踐與社會參與疊合情境,將展覽的視境放大至更多可被閱讀和使用的層面。
同時,掌握這種群眾的政治性,並非直截利用藝術作品來創造宣言和運動,而是這種群眾性質基本上被置放在一個藝術作品與社會現實相互疊合的三個關係中。哈特和內格里(Michael Hardt and Antonion Negri)在《帝國》討論到諸眾(Multitude)一詞時將此概念著重在諸眾是全球化下”生產”和創造性主體,而因為「生產」我們可以明確地區分出來,諸眾(Multitude)和大眾(mass)的差異點在於,諸眾是一個部屬在反抗的潛在位置(potential site of resistance)的政治關係,而大眾則是一個被標明為普遍性格的消費性團塊。
當然,當代藝術為諸眾操演的戰略,並沒一個可以被畫清界線的輪廓,而是逐建地成就了一個新型態的使用介面。在諸眾政治對抗性的反面,藝術作品所呈現的是一種”有條件”開放和自由運作的介面,這說明了藝術作品在效果上預設的自由和開放來自於其必須親身奉獻和參與,並針對需求來行動。尤其在今日資訊爆炸的時代,資訊的使用不是來自於下載和閱讀,而就像是網路世界標示web2.0時代最核心的本質:上傳和分享。可以說,藝術的政治性來自於其生命(bio-)的加入,而諸眾的政治性同樣地也來自於這”有條件”的立場,相對於安靜的多數(silent majority),它就是以條件本身加以改造和轉換的創造性活動。
而在這種反向操作(以向外延伸來建立群體)的觀念裡,藝術同時也成為一個平台(platform)的概念,平台來自於諸眾的”最小單位的”投入和組合,一種擠滿的「人群智慧」(The wisdom of crowds)存在其中,而成其主要政治主體的操演過程。再看似以群體做為支持對象的藝術作品中,實際上有一個最低限度的做為人類認識論的運動在裡頭,也就是說藝術透過人類行為的使用介面的操作,來開啟一個人與人之間的連結,重點在於,藝術在現實世界中進行諸眾的再造和實驗。《標誌聯盟(Tag Ally)》做為一個展演計畫,是以觀察藝術作品進行不斷地再公眾化(Re-public),以有計畫的開放性中造生更多的諸種群,是故,展覽本身期在不斷接近(approach)的狀態中,引領奇妙的分眾效果,也就是說藝術基本上開啟了人人參與的生活政治,也就是說他是雙向操作出來的,藉由個體與個體間相互標製(Tagging)而產生的(有限度)普遍共有/共感,而使藝術權充為平台,以及其引領集體智慧的能力。
標誌(Tag)是一種當代渾沌的分類方法,它基本上將焦點置放於,人類如何以Tag建立起社群性,其重點在於透過標籤化(Tag)使我們對事件物有不同的認識途徑,同時也是─你所標誌的正為你自己(You are what you tag);策展計畫以《標誌聯盟(Tagging Ally)》做為展演的核心是欲說明:藝術作品透過一種加籤結盟的方式,去強化認識論邏輯,另一方面,透過加籤成就諸眾的方式,來重畫社會、經濟與政治問題,問題是「諸眾能夠變為甚麼?」而非「諸眾是甚麼?」。當代藝術展演中類似策略的計畫有呂岱如的《轉盤系列(turntable)》,它也就是透過一種天天玩的研究發表招來藝術計畫張羅的遊戲群眾。在這樣的展演計畫中,一方面參與的都還是小群眾,另一方面又呈現一種打帶跑,隨時準備翻轉的藝術實踐。
當然,從標誌聯盟的展演策略中,可以說有個最常見的問題意識,群眾如何打破溝通障礙?然而此問題基本上卻不是呈現在語言的普同性上,而是翻轉過來,透過一種開放原始資源(open source)來讓群眾可以參與/享有,一方面是藝術的介入,另一方面又對應於模糊觀眾和參與者的差異化(使觀眾隨時可跳入這夥,或者離開),這即是利用了一種感性部屬(disposition)的遊戲法則,開放參與性也就是讓事物、問題本身加籤,更為重要的,藉以顯示現實與諸眾最直接的聯結,以一種實際的行動或者間接的奉獻和分享,打破溝通舊有的法則,直接為現況做補充(supplement)。
《標誌聯盟》策展計畫同時也意圖彰顯當代藝術工作的好方法,也就是以任務標誌上進行的委任工作(commission work),企圖在群眾性上標明一個意圖解決的問題意識,以及使一個尚未判准的價值標準更靈活的使之有效;更為重要的,此展演計畫將包圍在一個普同的創意(creative common)概念上,因為一方面使展演更具流動和衍生性,另一方透過翻轉創意使用的法則的想法,在藝術的實踐裡頭,直接引用其方法學並占為己有,而透過共有和共合使藝術的本身變本加厲的附身在實踐思維上頭,標誌聯盟將以連串的藝術計畫和對話展開藝術實踐與社會參與疊合情境,將展覽的視境放大至更多可被閱讀和使用的層面。
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-牛俊強 作品自述
「Outland」之意為邊境。它與border和frontier不同是,「out」的位置性更明顯—有中心裡外的對應。但觀者無法從影像中尋找座標位置,主體(攝影機、觀者)是無從凝視的狀態,它欲抹去畫面的焦點,但失焦也是一種聚焦,看似有機的場域,被處理描繪為CG(computer graphic)均質質感。這種拉扯的狀態,對應了我對影像創作的另一種逃離,及對某些當代資訊風景的無聲對抗。
Digital Print / 130*87cm / 2008
October 2007 I had a surgery on my right eye due to retinal damages. Ever since the surgery I started having symptoms such as slower pupil reactions, discomforts around the eyes, blurred and doubled visions, sensitive to lights, worsen judgements on space and distance etc. In the following six months, with these symptoms continued to be unstable, I started to avoid clarity, the more I desire to see better the more obvious it becomes where the boundary to blurriness is drawn.
This series of work was taken at night in rural places in the city such as huge wastelands, football stadium by the park, racing tracks and under-constructed building sites. By making further adjustments and changes to the images, an even more unfamiliar scenery was created, it did not objectively and truthfully represent what I have seen and instead, my body senses (physical disabilities) were transformed on to these images, as if the machine was possessed by my body. In the softened beam of light, this silent and settled land is the body that cannot be entered.
What differentiates outland from border and frontier is that the location is pointed out more obviously with the word out, corresponding a relative relationship between the exterior and the interior of a central point. But the spectators cannot locate the coordinates in these images, the subject (camera, viewers) is in a position of being unable to see, it intends to wipe off the focus point in the image, however losing can also be perceived as concentrating on a focal point, a site that appears to be organic is now processed and made to be looked like and described as having computer graphic qualities. This contradictory situation is a reflection of a silent protest against particular contemporary circumstances and another way of escaping from my photographic works.
Video installation & Digital Graphic / 2007-2008
In the landscape of Taipei City, enveloped in this system of “spectacle,” nothing is more prominently visible than the “exotic residences” touted by the real estate industry. Their words and images are transplanted, superimposed, and referenced with suggestion and analogy, until they no longer signify their original meaning, and indeed express no meaning at all, but merely convey a certain mood, and transmit a residual sense of color, the scent of exotic lands. These advertisements not only echo the consumer culture of housing, but also manifest our imaginings regarding cities. They are built on a symbolic landscape, one that has been severed from this time and place, and has no necessary connection to it. These symbols are pieced together to form a vague outline, and are mutually interchangeable. Thus, they have transplanted exotic lands “locally,” but are incapable of signifying identification with “this place.” It may be a city that by sheer coincidence has the same name.
Real estate advertisements make use of replication, mimicry and transplantation of media-generated events and pictures, endlessly multiplying due to the system of consumption, resulting in a blurred, ambiguous city landscape, and expressing a “flattening” of the city’s image. After every cross-section has been rendered two-dimensional and enlarged, the discrepancy with reality becomes greater and greater. The people who work and live among these images constantly experience and corporealize the process of replication and amalgamation in the “society of the spectacle.”
Audio-Visual installation / 2007
The Soundart from Chung-Han ,YAO
The A4 papers have been at the same position all the time. I blow them and recorded. And then, at the same place, I project the image I recorded before.I re-created “readymade” by shooting and projecting it again, like “image-sculpture”. When papers blowing, you can’t recognize real and virtual.
「Outland」之意為邊境。它與border和frontier不同是,「out」的位置性更明顯—有中心裡外的對應。但觀者無法從影像中尋找座標位置,主體(攝影機、觀者)是無從凝視的狀態,它欲抹去畫面的焦點,但失焦也是一種聚焦,看似有機的場域,被處理描繪為CG(computer graphic)均質質感。這種拉扯的狀態,對應了我對影像創作的另一種逃離,及對某些當代資訊風景的無聲對抗。
Digital Print / 130*87cm / 2008
October 2007 I had a surgery on my right eye due to retinal damages. Ever since the surgery I started having symptoms such as slower pupil reactions, discomforts around the eyes, blurred and doubled visions, sensitive to lights, worsen judgements on space and distance etc. In the following six months, with these symptoms continued to be unstable, I started to avoid clarity, the more I desire to see better the more obvious it becomes where the boundary to blurriness is drawn.
This series of work was taken at night in rural places in the city such as huge wastelands, football stadium by the park, racing tracks and under-constructed building sites. By making further adjustments and changes to the images, an even more unfamiliar scenery was created, it did not objectively and truthfully represent what I have seen and instead, my body senses (physical disabilities) were transformed on to these images, as if the machine was possessed by my body. In the softened beam of light, this silent and settled land is the body that cannot be entered.
What differentiates outland from border and frontier is that the location is pointed out more obviously with the word out, corresponding a relative relationship between the exterior and the interior of a central point. But the spectators cannot locate the coordinates in these images, the subject (camera, viewers) is in a position of being unable to see, it intends to wipe off the focus point in the image, however losing can also be perceived as concentrating on a focal point, a site that appears to be organic is now processed and made to be looked like and described as having computer graphic qualities. This contradictory situation is a reflection of a silent protest against particular contemporary circumstances and another way of escaping from my photographic works.
Video installation & Digital Graphic / 2007-2008
In the landscape of Taipei City, enveloped in this system of “spectacle,” nothing is more prominently visible than the “exotic residences” touted by the real estate industry. Their words and images are transplanted, superimposed, and referenced with suggestion and analogy, until they no longer signify their original meaning, and indeed express no meaning at all, but merely convey a certain mood, and transmit a residual sense of color, the scent of exotic lands. These advertisements not only echo the consumer culture of housing, but also manifest our imaginings regarding cities. They are built on a symbolic landscape, one that has been severed from this time and place, and has no necessary connection to it. These symbols are pieced together to form a vague outline, and are mutually interchangeable. Thus, they have transplanted exotic lands “locally,” but are incapable of signifying identification with “this place.” It may be a city that by sheer coincidence has the same name.
Real estate advertisements make use of replication, mimicry and transplantation of media-generated events and pictures, endlessly multiplying due to the system of consumption, resulting in a blurred, ambiguous city landscape, and expressing a “flattening” of the city’s image. After every cross-section has been rendered two-dimensional and enlarged, the discrepancy with reality becomes greater and greater. The people who work and live among these images constantly experience and corporealize the process of replication and amalgamation in the “society of the spectacle.”
Audio-Visual installation / 2007
The Soundart from Chung-Han ,YAO
The A4 papers have been at the same position all the time. I blow them and recorded. And then, at the same place, I project the image I recorded before.I re-created “readymade” by shooting and projecting it again, like “image-sculpture”. When papers blowing, you can’t recognize real and virtual.
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-牛俊強 作品圖片
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-牛俊強 個人簡歷
2006 鹿特丹國際影展短片競賽 地點:荷蘭 鹿特丹
2007第二屆台北數位藝術節 地點:台北 西門町紅樓
2007 [城市寓言]城市行動藝術節 地點:台北 建國啤酒廠
2008 [小民市景]-台灣新興數位藝術展 地點:台中 國立美術館
2008 第六屆桃源創作獎 地點:桃園縣政府文化局
2008 第十屆台北電影節 地點:台北 中山堂
2008韓國亞洲學生及年輕藝術家藝術節 地點:韓國 首爾
2008 第二屆北京夏日數位娛樂節 地點:北京 751動力廣場
2008(邊境.近鏡)臺灣╳以色列青年藝術家交流展 地點:台北 華山藝文中心
2008 [居無定所]—第一屆國際錄像藝術展 地點:台北 鳳甲美術館
2008 美術創作卓越獎
2008 台北美術獎優選
Born in Donggang, Taiwan, 1983
2000-2005 Interior Space Design
2006-2009 Graduate school of art and technology, Taipei National University of the Arts
Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Asia Students and Young Artists Art Festival, Seoul, South Korea
(Borderline . Mirrorlike)Taiwan ╳ Israel Young Artists Interchange Exhibition ,Taipei
The 10th Taipei International Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
The 6th Taoyuan Creation Award, Taoyuan ,Taiwan
The 5th Taoyuan Creation Award, Taoyuan ,Taiwan
The 2nd Digital Art Festival Taipei 2007 , Taipei , Taiwan
The 9th Taipei Poetry Festival , Taipei , Taiwan
The 1st Digital Art Festival Taipei 2006 , Taipei , Taiwan
Tiger Awards Competition for Short Film, the 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam, Holland
2008 Taipei Arts Award Competition
2008 Outstanding Art Prize of Art Department
2006 鹿特丹國際影展短片競賽 地點:荷蘭 鹿特丹
2007第二屆台北數位藝術節 地點:台北 西門町紅樓
2007 [城市寓言]城市行動藝術節 地點:台北 建國啤酒廠
2008 [小民市景]-台灣新興數位藝術展 地點:台中 國立美術館
2008 第六屆桃源創作獎 地點:桃園縣政府文化局
2008 第十屆台北電影節 地點:台北 中山堂
2008韓國亞洲學生及年輕藝術家藝術節 地點:韓國 首爾
2008 第二屆北京夏日數位娛樂節 地點:北京 751動力廣場
2008(邊境.近鏡)臺灣╳以色列青年藝術家交流展 地點:台北 華山藝文中心
2008 [居無定所]—第一屆國際錄像藝術展 地點:台北 鳳甲美術館
2008 美術創作卓越獎
2008 台北美術獎優選
Born in Donggang, Taiwan, 1983
2000-2005 Interior Space Design
2006-2009 Graduate school of art and technology, Taipei National University of the Arts
Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Asia Students and Young Artists Art Festival, Seoul, South Korea
(Borderline . Mirrorlike)Taiwan ╳ Israel Young Artists Interchange Exhibition ,Taipei
The 10th Taipei International Film Festival, Taipei, Taiwan
The 6th Taoyuan Creation Award, Taoyuan ,Taiwan
The 5th Taoyuan Creation Award, Taoyuan ,Taiwan
The 2nd Digital Art Festival Taipei 2007 , Taipei , Taiwan
The 9th Taipei Poetry Festival , Taipei , Taiwan
The 1st Digital Art Festival Taipei 2006 , Taipei , Taiwan
Tiger Awards Competition for Short Film, the 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam, Holland
2008 Taipei Arts Award Competition
2008 Outstanding Art Prize of Art Department
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-周代焌 作品自述
在身體的操作下意識到平塗即使再平最終也不會大於電腦影像輸出,而在物體描繪的寫實感也不會大於照片的真實感,所以轉而強調手繪的真實性和人為刻意操弄下的距離,對於科技帶來的便利性和快速性,在我的創作中某一程度顯現了對科技的反動,但是科技的操作漸漸的讓身體的感知退化,目前科技可以做到 one touch 就能辦到生活的一切事情,而在以後甚至只需要動腦感應就可以達到很多勞動所不及的事情,如此身體的原始性逐步降低所帶來的危機感正是我自身所處的一個拉扯狀態,強調身體所操作出來的痕跡。因此,我的創作極度重視身體所操作出來的痕跡,且試圖把圖像解構為極度理性化的繪畫,強調人為操作的身體感。
In my painting, I take all the images I use on canvas as objects, and those objects are composed as an episode by my work. Regarding them in a further view, the details of the individual object would be ignored. On the other hand, when being focus on specific area closely, viewers’ eyes pupils getting wilder. The other parts on the canvas affected by the depth of field become vague optically.
I treat my canvas as a screen when dealing with those images in my painting. The pixels of images keep sparkling time after time like the white noise on the screen, and the screen is such an interface to separate from the real and the virtual. In my painting, I want to transform every pixel in the image into a touchable material. Nevertheless, the visual space of my painting is not just focus on the depth of field, but also more than just constructing the visual space.
I’ve faced a virtual world, and somehow I want to stop the moment, just like those happened in the movie “Minority Report,” image deriving, zooming in, clarifying, and then editing the images. Realizing that information progress so fast makes me anxious, so I make the images in my painting as being paused.
Operationally, it’s never been flatter than printer, no mater how flat I brush, and it’s never been more photographic than photography, no matter how hard I draw. As a result, I tend to emphasize the hand-drawing characteristic and the contrived distinctness. Technology brings us convenience and rapidity, but my work shows some reaction against it. So far, the Technology could make one touch to complete all the things, and maybe in the future it could have made everything unlabored by just thinking. However, Technological operation makes physical perceptions getting degenerated, and the crisis of primordially physical degeneration is the fierce dilemma for me. Thus, I pay much attention to physical operation on my work, and try to deconstruct the images into extremely rational painting to emphasize the optional.
在身體的操作下意識到平塗即使再平最終也不會大於電腦影像輸出,而在物體描繪的寫實感也不會大於照片的真實感,所以轉而強調手繪的真實性和人為刻意操弄下的距離,對於科技帶來的便利性和快速性,在我的創作中某一程度顯現了對科技的反動,但是科技的操作漸漸的讓身體的感知退化,目前科技可以做到 one touch 就能辦到生活的一切事情,而在以後甚至只需要動腦感應就可以達到很多勞動所不及的事情,如此身體的原始性逐步降低所帶來的危機感正是我自身所處的一個拉扯狀態,強調身體所操作出來的痕跡。因此,我的創作極度重視身體所操作出來的痕跡,且試圖把圖像解構為極度理性化的繪畫,強調人為操作的身體感。
In my painting, I take all the images I use on canvas as objects, and those objects are composed as an episode by my work. Regarding them in a further view, the details of the individual object would be ignored. On the other hand, when being focus on specific area closely, viewers’ eyes pupils getting wilder. The other parts on the canvas affected by the depth of field become vague optically.
I treat my canvas as a screen when dealing with those images in my painting. The pixels of images keep sparkling time after time like the white noise on the screen, and the screen is such an interface to separate from the real and the virtual. In my painting, I want to transform every pixel in the image into a touchable material. Nevertheless, the visual space of my painting is not just focus on the depth of field, but also more than just constructing the visual space.
I’ve faced a virtual world, and somehow I want to stop the moment, just like those happened in the movie “Minority Report,” image deriving, zooming in, clarifying, and then editing the images. Realizing that information progress so fast makes me anxious, so I make the images in my painting as being paused.
Operationally, it’s never been flatter than printer, no mater how flat I brush, and it’s never been more photographic than photography, no matter how hard I draw. As a result, I tend to emphasize the hand-drawing characteristic and the contrived distinctness. Technology brings us convenience and rapidity, but my work shows some reaction against it. So far, the Technology could make one touch to complete all the things, and maybe in the future it could have made everything unlabored by just thinking. However, Technological operation makes physical perceptions getting degenerated, and the crisis of primordially physical degeneration is the fierce dilemma for me. Thus, I pay much attention to physical operation on my work, and try to deconstruct the images into extremely rational painting to emphasize the optional.
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-周代焌 作品圖片
After saving the world comes entertainment program
Acrylic on canvas
題目: 餘興過後是拯救世界
After entertainment program, save the world
Acrylic on canvas
尺寸: 162*130CM
題目: 如果在月台上打架是這樣的話
As it could be fighting on the platform.
Acrylic on canvas
尺寸: 162*130CM
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-周代焌 個人簡歷
2008故事序:白球入袋 南北畫廊/台北
2008 噴射計畫/太快了 國立臺北藝術大學/台北
2008 Yes we can college 田園城市/台北
2008 第六屆桃園創作獎 桃園縣政府文化局/桃園
2008第二屆龍顏校園藝術創作展 金石堂/台北、台中、高雄
2007 A4北藝大21屆系展 國立臺北藝術大學/台北
2007 台灣美術新貌展 台中港區藝術中心/台中
2006 移動也不動三校聯展 台北華山藝文特區/台北
2008 第六屆桃源創作獎 首獎
2007 A4北藝大21屆系展 繪畫類 第一名、不分類評審團獎
2007 第二屆財團法人龍顏基金會96學年度藝術創作獎 獲選
2007 台灣美術新貌展 平面創作系列入選
2007金石堂龍顏基金會 典藏 <眼睛捕捉到的一格>
2008桃園縣政府文化局 典藏 <有一件巨大的事件正在發生>
1986 Born in Hsinchu ,Taiwan.
2008 B.F.A.,Department of Fine Arts ,Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei ,Taiwan.
2008 The Graduate School of Fine Arts ,Taipei National University of the Arts. Major:Painting.
Solo Exhibitions
2008「The Story Preamble:Miss」,Nan-Bei Gallery, Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei.
Group Exhibitions
2008 「The Pen-She Project/Too Swift」, Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei.
2008 「Yes we can college」,Gardan City Publishers ,Taipei.
2008 「The 6th Taoyuan Creation Awards for Creativity」,Cultural Affairs Bureau , Taoyuan County.
2008 「The 2nd Long Yen Artistic Creation Exhibitions of Arts」, Taipei,Taichung,Kaohsiung.
2007 「The 21th Exhibitions of TNUA: A4 」,TNUA Underground Art Gallery
2007 「Exhibition of New Perspective Art in Taiwan: Graphic Arts Series」,Taichung County Seaport Art Center,Taichung.
2006 「Moving」,Huashan Culture Park,Taipei.
2008 「The 6th Taoyuan Creation Awards for Creativity」,1st Prize.
2008 「The 21th Exhibitions of TNUA: A4 」,1st Prize,Graphic Arts.
2007 「The 2nd Long Yen Foundation Creative Arts Award」,Selected.
2007 「Exhibition of New Perspective Art in Taiwan」, Selected.
2008「A Huge Thing Is Taking Place 」, Cultural Affairs Bureau , Taoyuan County.
2007「What Can I Catch Pixel」, Long Yen Foundation,Kingstone Bookstore.
2008故事序:白球入袋 南北畫廊/台北
2008 噴射計畫/太快了 國立臺北藝術大學/台北
2008 Yes we can college 田園城市/台北
2008 第六屆桃園創作獎 桃園縣政府文化局/桃園
2008第二屆龍顏校園藝術創作展 金石堂/台北、台中、高雄
2007 A4北藝大21屆系展 國立臺北藝術大學/台北
2007 台灣美術新貌展 台中港區藝術中心/台中
2006 移動也不動三校聯展 台北華山藝文特區/台北
2008 第六屆桃源創作獎 首獎
2007 A4北藝大21屆系展 繪畫類 第一名、不分類評審團獎
2007 第二屆財團法人龍顏基金會96學年度藝術創作獎 獲選
2007 台灣美術新貌展 平面創作系列入選
2007金石堂龍顏基金會 典藏 <眼睛捕捉到的一格>
2008桃園縣政府文化局 典藏 <有一件巨大的事件正在發生>
1986 Born in Hsinchu ,Taiwan.
2008 B.F.A.,Department of Fine Arts ,Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei ,Taiwan.
2008 The Graduate School of Fine Arts ,Taipei National University of the Arts. Major:Painting.
Solo Exhibitions
2008「The Story Preamble:Miss」,Nan-Bei Gallery, Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei.
Group Exhibitions
2008 「The Pen-She Project/Too Swift」, Taipei National University of the Arts ,Taipei.
2008 「Yes we can college」,Gardan City Publishers ,Taipei.
2008 「The 6th Taoyuan Creation Awards for Creativity」,Cultural Affairs Bureau , Taoyuan County.
2008 「The 2nd Long Yen Artistic Creation Exhibitions of Arts」, Taipei,Taichung,Kaohsiung.
2007 「The 21th Exhibitions of TNUA: A4 」,TNUA Underground Art Gallery
2007 「Exhibition of New Perspective Art in Taiwan: Graphic Arts Series」,Taichung County Seaport Art Center,Taichung.
2006 「Moving」,Huashan Culture Park,Taipei.
2008 「The 6th Taoyuan Creation Awards for Creativity」,1st Prize.
2008 「The 21th Exhibitions of TNUA: A4 」,1st Prize,Graphic Arts.
2007 「The 2nd Long Yen Foundation Creative Arts Award」,Selected.
2007 「Exhibition of New Perspective Art in Taiwan」, Selected.
2008「A Huge Thing Is Taking Place 」, Cultural Affairs Bureau , Taoyuan County.
2007「What Can I Catch Pixel」, Long Yen Foundation,Kingstone Bookstore.
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-許尹齡 作品自述
My concept of creation is about expressing the observation of social society. Social society’s phenomenon is concrete and observable. However, the substantial analyzed conclusion is obscured by all kind of systems. The imagination of living a good life is gradually collapsing. It is as if we were constantly placed in an experiment with numerous updates of statistical data such as, economical growth rate, unemployment rate, employment rate, etc. We can say these data describe our living circumstances specifically. Therefore, while I am creating, I retain a hint of insanity. I imagine I have created an imaginative world, raising all kinds of human beings to be tested for a better way of living. These are just part of a failed experiment but they must be displayed because that world differs from the usual world we know of. My recent creation style is similar to this, containing a theatrical world or in other words, Through images, we have been given a chance to step away from reality, and into that world to directly deal with common obstacles.
My challenge is to present various events into one. Consequently, most of my paintings are presented by piecing, their objective is the same, which is to progress in a space that is out of time. They are just like an arranged scene trying to capture people’s attention. It is both a theatrical play and a real life at the same time, and their main goal is to disturb others. In my opinion, my creations operate at many levels with true reasons to convince viewers to believe the irrational status, simply to discover the self incompletion which we have never thought of. This is the kind of message our life gives us. We live normally but we never try to face the true deficiency of ourselves. The anxious subject and peaceful reality is what I want to display on the same picture. Moreover, a large part of mystery in creations is due to the implication for the obstacles encountered in the creations. Viewers will suspect if the social phenomenon is really what they see. Do they know how odd the world is? Referring back to the last statement, we can really ponder if we really are how we have perceived ourselves.
My concept of creation is about expressing the observation of social society. Social society’s phenomenon is concrete and observable. However, the substantial analyzed conclusion is obscured by all kind of systems. The imagination of living a good life is gradually collapsing. It is as if we were constantly placed in an experiment with numerous updates of statistical data such as, economical growth rate, unemployment rate, employment rate, etc. We can say these data describe our living circumstances specifically. Therefore, while I am creating, I retain a hint of insanity. I imagine I have created an imaginative world, raising all kinds of human beings to be tested for a better way of living. These are just part of a failed experiment but they must be displayed because that world differs from the usual world we know of. My recent creation style is similar to this, containing a theatrical world or in other words, Through images, we have been given a chance to step away from reality, and into that world to directly deal with common obstacles.
My challenge is to present various events into one. Consequently, most of my paintings are presented by piecing, their objective is the same, which is to progress in a space that is out of time. They are just like an arranged scene trying to capture people’s attention. It is both a theatrical play and a real life at the same time, and their main goal is to disturb others. In my opinion, my creations operate at many levels with true reasons to convince viewers to believe the irrational status, simply to discover the self incompletion which we have never thought of. This is the kind of message our life gives us. We live normally but we never try to face the true deficiency of ourselves. The anxious subject and peaceful reality is what I want to display on the same picture. Moreover, a large part of mystery in creations is due to the implication for the obstacles encountered in the creations. Viewers will suspect if the social phenomenon is really what they see. Do they know how odd the world is? Referring back to the last statement, we can really ponder if we really are how we have perceived ourselves.
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-許尹齡 作品圖片
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-許尹齡 個人簡歷
許尹齡 Hsu Yin-Ling
1987 出生於屏東
2008 就讀台北藝術大學美術系
2008台北美術獎 入選
2008美術創作卓越獎 優選
2008 BenQ真善美獎數位創意大賽 参獎
2008系展 繪畫類第一名│系展 首獎
2008 聯展「肉色未來」 南北畫廊
2008 入選第六屆桃源創作獎
2008 聯展 「long lonely e more」SALT PEANUTS展覽空間
2007 聯展 「Any How 」 澎湖科技大學展覽廳
2006 徵件展 「睡痕」 ILOST 展覽空間
2005 獲選「朱銘美術館藝術長廊」創作者
Hsu Yin-Ling
1987 Born in Pingtung , Taiwan
2008 Currently studies at Taipei National University of Art │Finearts
2008 Taipei Arts Awards Selected Award
2008Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department
2008Long Yen Foundation Award
2008 TNUA Fine Art Faculty Art Exhibition first award
2008 BenQ Digital Originality competition third place
2008 associated exhibition〝Skin Color Future〞Nan Bei gallery
2008 General Mention 6th Taoyuan Creation Award
2008 associated exhibition〝long lonely e more〞SALT PEANUTS
exhibition space
2007 associated exhibition〝Any How〞National Penghu University
2006 associated exhibition 〝mark of sleep〞ILOST exhibition space
2005 〝Juming Museum art corridor〞artist
1987 出生於屏東
2008 就讀台北藝術大學美術系
2008台北美術獎 入選
2008美術創作卓越獎 優選
2008 BenQ真善美獎數位創意大賽 参獎
2008系展 繪畫類第一名│系展 首獎
2008 聯展「肉色未來」 南北畫廊
2008 入選第六屆桃源創作獎
2008 聯展 「long lonely e more」SALT PEANUTS展覽空間
2007 聯展 「Any How 」 澎湖科技大學展覽廳
2006 徵件展 「睡痕」 ILOST 展覽空間
2005 獲選「朱銘美術館藝術長廊」創作者
Hsu Yin-Ling
1987 Born in Pingtung , Taiwan
2008 Currently studies at Taipei National University of Art │Finearts
2008 Taipei Arts Awards Selected Award
2008Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department
2008Long Yen Foundation Award
2008 TNUA Fine Art Faculty Art Exhibition first award
2008 BenQ Digital Originality competition third place
2008 associated exhibition〝Skin Color Future〞Nan Bei gallery
2008 General Mention 6th Taoyuan Creation Award
2008 associated exhibition〝long lonely e more〞SALT PEANUTS
exhibition space
2007 associated exhibition〝Any How〞National Penghu University
2006 associated exhibition 〝mark of sleep〞ILOST exhibition space
2005 〝Juming Museum art corridor〞artist
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-陳宏群 個人簡歷
陳宏群 Chen Hung-Chun
1982 生於台灣台北
2006 考取台北藝術大學美術學系美術創作碩士班
2006 畢業於台北藝術大學美術系創作組
2001 畢業於復興高中美術班
2008 寒舍秘笈 : 2008新世代年度展於寒舍空間 台北
2008 「在無關緊要之後」於一票票畫廊 台北
2007 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作展 於金石堂書店-我的書房展出 台北
2006「出關六人行」六人聯展於朝代畫廊 台北
2006「富勞而思」聯展於天母也趣畫廊 台北
2005「双。个展」於北藝大美術系系館南北畫廊展出 台北
2008 《孫悟空的樂高把戲》,金石堂我的藝術空間 台北
2004《陳宏群個展》,台北藝術大學 南北畫廊 台北
2006 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作獎
2006 第五屆全國百號油畫展 入選
2005 第59屆全省美展 油畫類 優選
2005 第17屆全國美術展覽會 油畫類 入選
2004第58屆全省美展 油畫類 入選
陳宏群 Chen Hung-Chun
1982 born in Taipei, Taiwan
The educational background2006 Being admitted into graduate school of Fine Art of TNUA
2006 Graduated from Department of Fine Art of Taipei National
University of the Art (TNUA)
2001 Graduated from Art AP-class of Fu-Hsing Senior High School
Associated exhibition
2008 My Humble House Formula One 2008 exhibition of a new generation in My Humble House, Taipei
2008「unrelated connection」exhibition in Piao-piao Gallery, Taipei
2007 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation exhibition in MY Study at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2006「The Outstanding Six」six persons’ associated exhibition in Dynasty Gallery
2006「Full House」associated exhibition in Ye-Qu Gallery at Tien-Mou, Taipei
2005「Personal Exhibition of the TWO」exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building at TNUA, Taipei
Personal exhibition
2008《The Lego trick of the Sun Wu-kong》exhibited in My-art-space Gallery at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2004《Cheng Hung-Chun personal exhibition》 exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building in TNUA, Taipei
2008 Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
2006 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation award
2006 5th annual national No.100 oil painting exhibition, mention
2005 59th annual provincial fine arts exhibition, oil painting, honorable mention
2005 17th annual national fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention
2004 58th annual fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention
1982 生於台灣台北
2006 考取台北藝術大學美術學系美術創作碩士班
2006 畢業於台北藝術大學美術系創作組
2001 畢業於復興高中美術班
2008 寒舍秘笈 : 2008新世代年度展於寒舍空間 台北
2008 「在無關緊要之後」於一票票畫廊 台北
2007 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作展 於金石堂書店-我的書房展出 台北
2006「出關六人行」六人聯展於朝代畫廊 台北
2006「富勞而思」聯展於天母也趣畫廊 台北
2005「双。个展」於北藝大美術系系館南北畫廊展出 台北
2008 《孫悟空的樂高把戲》,金石堂我的藝術空間 台北
2004《陳宏群個展》,台北藝術大學 南北畫廊 台北
2006 第一屆龍顏校園藝術創作獎
2006 第五屆全國百號油畫展 入選
2005 第59屆全省美展 油畫類 優選
2005 第17屆全國美術展覽會 油畫類 入選
2004第58屆全省美展 油畫類 入選
陳宏群 Chen Hung-Chun
1982 born in Taipei, Taiwan
The educational background2006 Being admitted into graduate school of Fine Art of TNUA
2006 Graduated from Department of Fine Art of Taipei National
University of the Art (TNUA)
2001 Graduated from Art AP-class of Fu-Hsing Senior High School
Associated exhibition
2008 My Humble House Formula One 2008 exhibition of a new generation in My Humble House, Taipei
2008「unrelated connection」exhibition in Piao-piao Gallery, Taipei
2007 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation exhibition in MY Study at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2006「The Outstanding Six」six persons’ associated exhibition in Dynasty Gallery
2006「Full House」associated exhibition in Ye-Qu Gallery at Tien-Mou, Taipei
2005「Personal Exhibition of the TWO」exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building at TNUA, Taipei
Personal exhibition
2008《The Lego trick of the Sun Wu-kong》exhibited in My-art-space Gallery at King Stone Bookstore, Taipei
2004《Cheng Hung-Chun personal exhibition》 exhibited in South-North Gallery at Department of Fine Art Building in TNUA, Taipei
2008 Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
2006 1st annual Long-Yan campus artistic creation award
2006 5th annual national No.100 oil painting exhibition, mention
2005 59th annual provincial fine arts exhibition, oil painting, honorable mention
2005 17th annual national fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention
2004 58th annual fine arts exhibition, oil painting, mention
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-廖祈羽 作品自述
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-廖祈羽 作品圖片(錄像截圖)
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-廖祈羽 個人簡歷
廖祈羽 個人簡歷
2008 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系
2008 就讀於國立台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所
2009 2009美術創作卓越獎,台北藝術大學
2008 2008台北美術獎入選,台北市立美術館
2008 「吵」藝術節
2008 「倒立時,彷彿在坑洞躺下」廖祈羽/彭致穎雙個展,VT非常廟藝文空間
2008 「23」國立台北藝術大學美術系第二十三屆畢業展覽,台北藝術大學
2008 2008美術創作卓越獎,台北藝術學
2006 「移動也不動」北藝、臺藝、師大三校聯展,華山
2005 「無所/不再」北藝美術系二年級聯展,台北藝術大學
Liao Chi Yu Exhibitions / Awards
Born in Tainan,Taiwan,1986
Resides in Taipei
2008 B.F.A. in Fine Art,Taipei National University of the Arts,
2008 Currently studies at Graduate School of Art and Technology,
Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
Exhibitions / Awards
2009 2009 Outstanding Art Prize,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 2008 Taipei Arts Awards,Taipei Fine Arts Museum,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 「It Seems to Lie Down In the Holes When Inverted」,VT ARTSALON,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 「23」Taipei National University of Art 23th graduation, Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 2008 Outstanding Art Prize,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2006 「Move , or Not」group exhibition,Hua-Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Center , Taipei , Taiwan2005 「Omnipresent」,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系
2008 就讀於國立台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所
2009 2009美術創作卓越獎,台北藝術大學
2008 2008台北美術獎入選,台北市立美術館
2008 「吵」藝術節
2008 「倒立時,彷彿在坑洞躺下」廖祈羽/彭致穎雙個展,VT非常廟藝文空間
2008 「23」國立台北藝術大學美術系第二十三屆畢業展覽,台北藝術大學
2008 2008美術創作卓越獎,台北藝術學
2006 「移動也不動」北藝、臺藝、師大三校聯展,華山
2005 「無所/不再」北藝美術系二年級聯展,台北藝術大學
Liao Chi Yu Exhibitions / Awards
Born in Tainan,Taiwan,1986
Resides in Taipei
2008 B.F.A. in Fine Art,Taipei National University of the Arts,
2008 Currently studies at Graduate School of Art and Technology,
Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
Exhibitions / Awards
2009 2009 Outstanding Art Prize,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 2008 Taipei Arts Awards,Taipei Fine Arts Museum,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 「It Seems to Lie Down In the Holes When Inverted」,VT ARTSALON,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 「23」Taipei National University of Art 23th graduation, Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2008 2008 Outstanding Art Prize,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2006 「Move , or Not」group exhibition,Hua-Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Center , Taipei , Taiwan2005 「Omnipresent」,Taipei National University of the Arts,Taipei,Taiwan
2009美術創作卓越獎獲獎名單-陳敬元 個人簡歷
2003 畢業於嘉義高中
2007 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系
2008 國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所 就讀中
2004 [兩個人] 陳敬元,林亦軒 貳樓聯展 台北
2005 陳敬元,林巳耀,李吉祥,曹凱祥 一票人畫廊 聯展 台北
2007 NO.114714~NO.114723 鹹花生個展 台北
2008 NO.11971基地 第626層 IOST個展 台北
MC NOW!! 卓越獎聯展
桃源創作獎作品聯展 桃園縣文化局 桃園
韓國青年藝術家博覽會 韓國首爾
2009 透抽展 非常廟藝文空間 台北
2000 桃城美展西畫類第三名
2007 EPSON 百萬大賞 佳作
2008 教育部美術創作卓越獎
桃源創作獎 首獎
2009 教育部美術創作卓越獎
1984 ~
2003 Chya-Yi senior high school
2007 Taipei National University of the Arts
Fine Arts Dpartment
2008 Studing at Taipei National University of the Arts
the school of Fine Arts
2004 [two] Chen,Jing-Yuan , Lin,Yi-Shan group exhibition at second floor
2005 Chen,jing-yuan , Lin,shi-yau , Li,chi-shan , Chow,cai-shan group exhibition
2007 [NO.114714~NO.114723] solo exhibition at Salt Peanuts
2008 [BASE NO.11971-626 Floor] solo exhibition at IOST
MC NOW !! Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department
group exhibition in Taipei National University of the Arts
Taoyuan Creation Award group exhibition
2009 seafoodfight group exhibition at Verytemple
2000 Chia-yi Prize of fine Arts
2007 EPSON color imaging contesr
2008 TNUA Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
Taoyuan Creation Award
2009 TNUA Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
2003 畢業於嘉義高中
2007 畢業於國立台北藝術大學美術系
2008 國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所 就讀中
2004 [兩個人] 陳敬元,林亦軒 貳樓聯展 台北
2005 陳敬元,林巳耀,李吉祥,曹凱祥 一票人畫廊 聯展 台北
2007 NO.114714~NO.114723 鹹花生個展 台北
2008 NO.11971基地 第626層 IOST個展 台北
MC NOW!! 卓越獎聯展
桃源創作獎作品聯展 桃園縣文化局 桃園
韓國青年藝術家博覽會 韓國首爾
2009 透抽展 非常廟藝文空間 台北
2000 桃城美展西畫類第三名
2007 EPSON 百萬大賞 佳作
2008 教育部美術創作卓越獎
桃源創作獎 首獎
2009 教育部美術創作卓越獎
1984 ~
2003 Chya-Yi senior high school
2007 Taipei National University of the Arts
Fine Arts Dpartment
2008 Studing at Taipei National University of the Arts
the school of Fine Arts
2004 [two] Chen,Jing-Yuan , Lin,Yi-Shan group exhibition at second floor
2005 Chen,jing-yuan , Lin,shi-yau , Li,chi-shan , Chow,cai-shan group exhibition
2007 [NO.114714~NO.114723] solo exhibition at Salt Peanuts
2008 [BASE NO.11971-626 Floor] solo exhibition at IOST
MC NOW !! Outstanding Art Work Prize of Fine Arts Department
group exhibition in Taipei National University of the Arts
Taoyuan Creation Award group exhibition
2009 seafoodfight group exhibition at Verytemple
2000 Chia-yi Prize of fine Arts
2007 EPSON color imaging contesr
2008 TNUA Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
Taoyuan Creation Award
2009 TNUA Outstanding Art Prize of Fine Arts Department
2009年1月14日 星期三
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